Sugar addiction: the sweet poison that gives flavor to our days

Adetunji Samuel
6 min readNov 28, 2020

The sweet poison

Sugar is the sweet poison of the 21st century. While it is true that we need it for the proper functioning of the body, we have reached a time when its consumption is out of control. We delve into this topic.

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The vast majority of us know that sweet, although irresistible and pleasant, is not the healthiest ingredient in our diet. However, if there is one aspect that not all of us are aware of, it is our complete addiction to sugar. Could this be possible? Can I be addicted to this exciting component that spice up our life?

It may be so. In fact, sugar is present in the most unsuspected foods, those that are a regular part of our diet and that sometimes even carry the controversial label “ light “ or “low in fat.” What’s more, something that nutritionists tell us is that the vast majority of the population is unaware of the large amount of sugars they actually consume. This explains the unsuspected evidence that many of us are addicted, even without knowing it.

Yogurt, salad dressings, sports drinks, juices and even canned tomatoes. The list of foods rich in this component is so long, that we could say almost without error, that we consume 80% of sugars without realizing it . Most of it comes, yes, from processed products.

The sweet poison of the 21st century is deeply rooted in our diet and its effects are more serious than we think

Sugar addiction: characteristics, effects and prevention

The sugar level established by the WHO as recommended ranges from 25 to 50 grams. However, just to give us an idea, a 330 ml can of cola has 27 grams. It is enough that we consume a juice and a muffin or chocolate muffin to exceed that limit.

We are facing the most pleasant, cheap and accessible poison of the 21st century. If we say that our eating habits are getting worse over the years, we will not be wrong. As a curiosity, there is a project that investigates the lifestyle of Pompeians by analyzing the remains of the victims of Vesuvius. The inhabitants of Pompeii 2,000 years ago did not have cavities . His diet was healthier than many of us.

Addiction to sugar is a characteristic of our modernity . We turn to it because it offers us energy and also because it makes us feel good, emotionally rewarded . It is the drink that allows us to regain our strength in the middle of the morning. It’s the whim at the end of the day. The snack that children want. The dessert that makes us all happy …

Can we really speak of an “addiction”?

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

In an investigation carried out at the University of the Sorbonne by Dr. Dean Chapelot, director of the research team in nutritional epidemiology, points out something interesting. To this day we cannot speak of sugar addiction as a psychiatric entity similar to that of other addictions to psychoactive substances.

  • However, this does not mean that it can be in the future: the neurobiological mechanisms that are put into motion during its use are very similar to those of any other addiction.
  • Consumption of this product activates the nucleus accumbens, known as the reward center. This area releases dopamine and makes us feel good, that we experience well-being.
  • Sucrose has precisely the ability to bind to brain receptors that promote the release of dopamine and that is why we experience such pleasant sensations.
  • The more sugar that product contains, the more dopamine will be released and the greater the “high” feeling . Now, that injection of energy is very brief. After a while, it is common to experience not only a drop in mood, but also greater fatigue. The brain asks us again for a new dose of something sweet; a request that is hard to resist.

The body has adapted over the years to depend on sugar almost without realizing it . And we do it like the addict who needs his doses, because in case of not satiating them, anxiety, hunger, bad mood arise … All of this as an effect of abstinence.

How do I know if I have a sugar addiction?

Sugar tastes good, it makes us feel better, but the body feels especially bad . Especially if we consume it in excess. Because, after all, the key is that: not to overdo it, not to make that element a constant in our diet. Now, how do you know if you already have a sugar addiction? These would be some keys:

  • Sweet products are present in our breakfasts, they are the usual dessert and we resort to them when we snack between meals.
  • We consume soft drinks, packaged juices, energy drinks …
  • We accompany coffee , herbal teas or natural or vegetable milk with sugar cubes.
  • We look for the sweet after a bad day, as a whim, as a resource to celebrate something.
  • If we make the effort to restrict its consumption we experience craving , an emptiness in the stomach and a hunger that does not satisfy, for example, not an apple or a handful of almonds.

What effect does sugar have on our body?

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Sugar addiction causes more than just an increase in body weight. We cannot just stay with that idea. It is true that a large part of the negative effects of sugar in this product derives from the fact that almost 50% of the amount absorbed is converted into fatty acids. However, the alterations it generates in our health are immense:

  • The greatest risk is metabolic diseases. The excess fat that we accumulate causes resistance to insulin, with which, one of the most common effects is the development of type 2 diabetes.
  • Hypertension and an increase in the so-called bad cholesterol or LDL is another factor.
  • We can also suffer strokes or cerebral infarcts.
  • Increase in cardiovascular ailments.
  • We will suffer greater fatigue.
  • Dental disease
  • Fatty liver.
  • The risk of cancer is increased.

How to reduce sugar consumption?

As we have pointed out in the article, it is not about completely eliminating sugar from the diet. The human being needs this component to survive. However, the key is only to reduce your consumption. For this, the following recommendations can be of help.

  • Read the label of the products you buy. You will discover that everything has more sugar than you think.
  • Restrict processed foods (pizzas, cereals, sweets, baked goods …) and opt for natural products.
  • Remember: what does not fit into the shopping cart is not consumed at home. Therefore, take maximum care of your shopping list by limiting all types of processed foods.
  • Limit or restrict soda intake.
  • Increase your water consumption.
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast. A good breakfast helps us start the day well and prevents us from having to eat between meals.
  • Control your stress and anxiety levels. Emotional ups and downs elevate our sweet tooth.
  • Do you play any sport. Often the simple act of walking for half an hour a day greatly improves our well-being.

To conclude, it is always a good time to reduce the presence of this product from our diet. Opting for a healthier, natural diet in which sugar is not that continuous component, not only improves our well-being. The mood also notices it. Let’s start the change today.



Adetunji Samuel

Mechanical engineer during the day, Blogger + SEO content writer + graphics designer at night. Author at