Found a great way to care for your health and save the environment.

Save the environment

Adetunji Samuel
3 min readNov 9, 2020

Taking care of the environment while doing physical exercise, that is the formula on which plogging is based , a new fashion that was born in Stockholm in 2016.

What is 'plogging'?

The new fashion recently arrived from Sweden proposes to pick up trash while doing sports.

The idea is that while the person practices their sport or usual exercise, they collect the rubbish found on the road. Since then, this practice has spread to more than a hundred countries and it is estimated that every day some 25,000 people 'run around the planet.

The origin of the term plogging

The word plogging is obtained by adding two terms: jogging (running) and plocka upp (in Swedish it means to collect). The promoter of this phenomenon is Erik Ahlström, a compatriot of the teenage activist Greta Thunberg who, after moving to Stockholm from a small Swedish town, began to incorporate into his daily exercise routine the practice of picking up all the garbage that was around him. He passed.

I am amazed at the amount of trash found in nature, he explained in an interview.

Debris can stay on the road for several weeks without anyone picking it up, so I started doing it myself. I feel good doing it, even if it’s a small gesture.

A small gesture, but one that has already reached world fame, and runners from all corners of the planet have incorporated the practice of plogging into their routines, make it viral on social networks and even organize gatherings to collect garbage while they run. In Spain, the phenomenon is increasingly popular: at the beginning of the year more than 1,500 people joined the first stop of the Plogging Tour in Ibiza , a movement that aims to increase this practice with various events throughout the country.

The social work that this sport represents goes beyond collaborating in the collection of waste and promoting proper recycling , since it also helps to sensitize residents and visitors to the responsibility we have with the planet.

Óscar Caro, one of the promoters of plogging in Spain, has explained.

Ecology and sport, two in one

Lack of time is no longer an excuse for not taking care of our environment, as it can be done while practicing a sport.

Plogging devotees also remember that bending over to pick up waste while running or walking is an extra effort that helps burn more calories and work other muscles in the body.

The plogging can be done anywhere - unfortunately, there is garbage everywhere, in the countryside and in the cities and while any type of exercise is practiced (in cycling , running, surfing or canoeing ...). You can also take advantage of daily trips such as the way to work or a walk at sunset.

The plogging is not the only phenomenon related to the collection of waste that is becoming popular worldwide. It is essential we keep on coming up with ways to get more people involved in saving the environment.

Read more on plogging



Adetunji Samuel

Mechanical engineer during the day, Blogger + SEO content writer + graphics designer at night. Author at